Green Week: Investing for future generations



Green Week’s final day of events is being held in Vienna, the capital of Austria. Today’s cross-cutting issue is investing for future generations. This resonates with our focus at LVMH on transmitting savoir-faire and training.

The LVMH Environment Department has spearheaded the Group’s commitment to protecting the environment for more than 20 years. We have appointed environment officers at each House and our environment network currently totals around 100 people worldwide. What’s more, the Group recently established an Environment Academy dedicated to upskilling its environment officers.

Store Awards-Lighting Training, March 2016, France © LVMH

We have designed a comprehensive training program with various training delivery methods, including classroom training, e-learning and virtual classrooms. The goal is to provide recent recruits with solid background knowledge about today’s major environmental issues, as well as environmental law, LVMH’s environmental policy and the Group’s resources and programs, like the LVMH Indicators for the Environment (LIFE) program.

In the medium term, we will extend our training program to employees from all the Group’s business segments. Addressing environmental issues in our day-to-day operations will enable each House to improve its energy efficiency.