Hennessy recycles waste

Wines & Spirits


The European Commission in Brussels celebrated Green Week from June 3-5 around the theme of the “Circular Economy”. LVMH has been a partner of this event for the past three years. A video on recycling and reuse of waste at Hennessy is emblematic of initiatives throughout the Group.

Thanks to a sustained commitment, Hennessy recycling, reuse and energy recovery spanned more than 92% of its waste in 2013, a very impressive record in the world of manufacturing. This proactive approach covers absolutely every stage of production and all materials.


The Cognac House generates nearly 600 metric tons of glass waste each year. The glass is ground and transformed into glass cullet, a material that can be used in ceramics, glass beads or reflective coating on roads, for example.


Cardboard is one of the main categories of waste at Hennessy, totaling nearly 1,200 metric tons annually. Drawing on expertise from local processing specialists, this cardboard gets a second life as recycled paper.

Cask bungs

In partnership with a sheltered workshop, Arche Cognac, Hennessy now sorts nearly 115,000 cask bungs (“bungs” are used to seal casks), separating the cork from the fabric. The recovered cork is then put to a variety of uses, many quite original.

Waste sorting

Sorting is now a natural reflex for everyone at Hennessy, further reducing the company’s carbon footprint. Simple everyday actions make a big difference.

Cellulose filters

A major innovation in 2013 was a process for recycling cellulose filters. Some 44 metric tons of filters are now transformed into stationery for a green second life.

See the Green Week 2014 information sheets – LVMH